Published on October 15, 2021 Updated on October 19, 2021

From 10 to 14 May, the circus performers-artists-athletes Fabrizio Solinas and Caio Sorana were in residence at the Cultural and associative centre, in partnership with the Maison des Jonglages. RunRunRun is an experimental art-sport, circus-theatre-marathon project backed by the Leroica company.

“During the week we spent at Campus Condorcet, we focused on two specific ideas that we had put on one side and had not yet explored directly.
One was to act out the scenes of a film, sticking as closely as possible to the original version. The film Forest Gump has always inspired us to run, run, and if in doubt, run again.
The other idea was to play with clubs while we were running. Strangely enough, we had sometimes juggled while running but we had never focused on doing things the other way round. So, this opened up a new avenue of research – running while juggling.
We are expecting lots of surprises from the first idea. With a video, the “product” arrives when the film has been edited and you have to wait for the result. So we are wondering how to “insert” this into a live performance.
We were suprised by the number of possibilities thrown up by the second idea: how fast to run depending on how high we throw, knowing when juggling makes running easy and when it is impossible. Every choice is a world in itself, but we will definitely have to choose because, as we have discovered again, juggling is neverending.
We certainly have lots of new directions to research, which is a good sign that the residency was a success!”

The art-sport network

This residency is part of the art-sport approach initiated by GONGLE, to foster connections between art and sport in the run up to the Paris 2024 Olympics, and precisely observe current transformations in the region. The network focuses on existing art-sport activities, both in public spaces and online, and strives to understand how the health crisis is transforming our lives, so that it can work on its core themes: use of public space, disability, digital writing, young people.nesse.