Publié le 21 juin 2024 Mis à jour le 27 juin 2024

Date limite de candidature : le 10 septembre 2024.

Le Centre d'économie de l'Université Paris Nord lance un appel à communications pour les 14e Journées Thématiques de la French Association of Environmental and Resources Economists.

The selected theme of the two-day international conference is « Environment, Policies, and Risks: Heterogeneities in Climate Change and Sustainability » and we particularly encourage submissions dealing with the following topics
New dimensions and diversity of climate-related risks, financial markets- Heterogeneous effects on labour markets, inequality, just transitions

  • Climate change and technological innovations
  • Firms’ and consumers’ strategies, energy choices
  • Heterogeneous environmental policies, political economy

This list is not exclusive, and we strongly encourage the submission of relevant contributions dealing broadly with the envisaged topics.
All presentations will be in English.

Call for paper

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