Publié le 15 mars 2023 Mis à jour le 15 mars 2023

Cette séance des Lundis de l'Ined est donnée par Susan Parnell (University of Bristol). Discutante : Trudy Harpham (professeur émérite en développement & politique urbains à l’université South Bank).


le 20 mars 2023

de 11h30 à 12h30

Les lundis de l'Ined Logo
Les lundis de l'Ined Logo
Robust translational urban science, creating solutions to complex problems like gender inequality, climate resilience or disease prevention, is the foundation of effective global governance. Mid cycle in the 2030 Development agenda provides an opportunity to reflect on progress made and challenges posed by thinking about cities at the global level. Efforts to position the urban question in multi lateral platforms like the G7/G20 and the global health and climate agendas highlight the challenges for the ‘sector’ that must draw on desperate, often incommensurate, scientific traditions and make use of multiple science policy platforms. Given the centrality of cities in the 2030 vision of sustainable development the fragmented global urban science-policy interface needs urgent attention.