Publié le 21 août 2023 Mis à jour le 18 octobre 2023

The conference, Connect.Collaborate.Create. Bridging Communities for Participatory Research and Citizen Science 2023, will bring together the diverse European communities that create and support participatory research (including its funding) and citizen science. Jointly organized by the European projects COESO and PRO-Ethics, it will focus on the social sciences and humanities as well as on integrating participatory approaches at the research funding stage.


du 19 octobre 2023 au 21 octobre 2023

de 8h30 à 20h (jeudi et vendredi) ; de 8h30 à 14h (samedi)

Centre de colloques, Humathèque Condorcet, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord

Type(s) d'évènements
Affiche COESO - Connect.Collaborate.Create.
Affiche COESO - Connect.Collaborate.Create.

On October 19-21, 2023 in Paris, at Aubervilliers, Campus Condorcet, we will welcome researchers, citizen science practitioners, and supporters from all backgrounds, research funding organizations, ethics and integrity experts, as well as policy makers, into a space designed for networking and mutually exploring citizen science/participatory research initiatives and services. 

This conference uses the interactive model of ThatCamps and BarCamps, inviting attendees to shape the content and activities. With an emphasis on participation, attendees are encouraged to contribute through leading workshops, breakout sessions, or poster presentations. The goal is to stimulate a productive exchange of ideas that promotes the advancement of participatory research and citizen science.

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