Publié le 12 novembre 2024 Mis à jour le 12 novembre 2024

Cette séance des Lundis de l'Ined est donnée par Peter Brandon (chercheur Fulbright - Tocqueville Distinguished Chair de l’Ined & ancien président du Department of Sociology - University at Albany USA) ; discutante : Nathalie Le Bouteillec (chercheuse associée Ined UR03 & professeure UPJV).


le 18 novembre 2024

de 11h30 à 12h30
Type(s) d'évènements
Les lundis de l'Ined Logo
Les lundis de l'Ined Logo
American children grow up in many different types of households. Across these households, resources, parenting styles, household composition, and neighborhoods differ. Studies suggest that the intermingling of social, economic, geographical, and demographic factors affects children’s well-being and transitions into adulthood. Thus, household structures are consequential to children’s future opportunities. Among households in which American children grow up, two of the more fragile are single-mother and single-grandmother households. Though we know much about the well-being of children growing up in single-mother households, our understanding of the well-being of grandchildren raised in single-grandmother households is strikingly limited, especially our understanding of their daily school experiences and schoolwork routines. Yet, children’s experiences at school and engagement in learning are crucial to their development and identity. This study compares experiences at school and engagement in schoolwork for children in single-mother and single-grandmother households. The study finds significant differences in some school experiences and schoolwork routines between children growing up in these two types of households. Findings cast concern over the educational trajectories of children raised in single-grandmother households while raising the issue of the best policy response so that children in single-grandmother-headed households are not educationally disadvantaged.