Publié le 26 octobre 2023–Mis à jour le 26 octobre 2023
Cette séance des Lundis de l'Ined est donnée par Peter Brandon (University at Albany). Discutante : Marion Leturcq (chercheuse Ined, économiste, co-responsable UR09 : démographie économique).
Les lundis de l'Ined Logo In 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States legalized same-sex marriage. This landmark ruling was the result of the tireless work of gay rights activists over several decades. Today in the United States, married same-sex couples share the same rights as heterogamous married couples. And, recent polls suggest that the overwhelming majority of Americans, (over 70%), support same-sex couples having those rights and securing the benefits that an American legally recognized marriage provides. While controversy swirls around whether or not the Supreme Court’s decision will remain settled law, a major question yet to be answered is whether the expansion of these rights and benefits to same-sex couples has improved their long-term economic security, such as building wealth. Put differently, newly acquired and broadened rights for American same-sex couples, like the right to marry, is progress, but has that led to increased and enduring economic well-being and security? This study addresses the question by examining changes in homeownership among married, same-sex couples since homeownership is usually a long-term financial commitment and a pathway to creating greater economic security. The study finds that homeownership among American married same-sex couples rose after the Supreme Court’s decision; and that more of these couples obtain mortgages in both names rather than in only one; but the study also finds that which same-sex couples benefit from homeownership depends upon the self-reported sexual orientation of the couple.
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