Publié le 28 février 2024 Mis à jour le 28 février 2024

Ce séminaire est organisé par l'unité Logement, inégalités et trajectoires de l'Ines. Il sera animé par Eleanor Jupp (Reader in Sociology and Social Policy, Director of Graduate Studies, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Research, University of Kent) ; Discutante : Anne Lambert.


le 19 mars 2024

de 11h à 13h
Vignette du Logo de l'Ined
Vignette du Logo de l'Ined
Eleonor Jupp will present findings from recent research on local organising and activism among low income women in the UK, in contexts of austerity, but also the Covid-19 pandemic, and wider ‘cost of living’ crisis.  Case studies discussed will include local organising around housing, food and austerity cuts to services. Drawing on feminist understandings of home space and care, which challenge a dichotomy between public politics and private lives, Eleonor Jupp will discuss the emergence of a fragile but potent ‘politics of everyday life’.  “I will assess how this politics fits into wider social and cultural dynamics in the UK and make a case for a detailed attention to these emergent practices.