Publié le 27 février 2023 Mis à jour le 3 mars 2023

Ce séminaire est organisé par TransCrit (Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis) et Histoire et dynamique des espaces anglophones (HDEA, Sorbonne Université).


le 20 mars 2023

de 9h à 16h30

Centre de colloques, Visioconférence

Place du Front populaire, Aubervilliers (salle 3.01)

Lien Zoom disponible pour se connecter en distant / Zoom link available to join remotely (contactez / contact remy.bethmont [at]

The town of Montsec as viewed from the crest of Montsec height, showing the nature of the country over which the Americans had to advance.
The town of Montsec as viewed from the crest of Montsec height, showing the nature of the country over which the Americans had to advance. - The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Photography Collection, The New York Public Library The town of Montsec as viewed from the crest of Montsec height, showing the nature of the country over which the Americans had to advance.The smoke in the distance is from the burning timbers of a dugout bordering what was once No Man’s Land. The old American line parallels the horizon line a short distance back of the smoke. (Sept. 1918)
La réflexion sur les horizons catholiques en pays anglophones invite à penser la manière dont l’espace anglophone produit des lignes de partage configurant à la fois le catholicisme anglophone et les autres forces religieuses avec lesquels il interagit. Elle soulève également la question d’une éventuelle spécificité de ces horizons dont certains émanent de l’impérialisme. On pourra partir de l’hypothèse d’une certaine ambivalence ou ambiguïté du catholicisme dans ces espaces.

By inviting reflections on Catholic horizons, we hope to create a thought-provoking discussion on the ways the English-speaking world produces dividing lines that configure both Catholicism and the other religious forces with which it interacts. The question of possible specificities of these Catholic horizons, some of which originate in imperialism, may also be looked into. All in all, we propose to test the hypothesis of the possible ambivalence or ambiguity of Catholicism in the English-speaking world.

Voir le programme