Publié le 27 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 27 mai 2024

Cette séance est organisée dans le cadre des Lundis de l'Ined. Elle sera animée par Vladimir Canudas-Romo démographe, professeur et directeur de l’école de démographie ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences) ; discutant : Michel Guillot (directeur de recherche à l’Ined, UR05 : Santé, Mortalité, Épidémiologie & DEMOSUD).


le 3 juin 2024

de 11h30 à 12h30
Type(s) d'évènements

Les lundis de l'Ined Logo
Les lundis de l'Ined Logo
Monitoring changes in health and mortality allows policymakers to prioritize steps toward healthier populations. The effect of reduce the prevalence of certain causes of death can be measured by comparing life expectancy before and after the reduction. For example, the expected number of life years gained by achieving the Sustainable Development Goals or the years lost due to COVID-19, are powerful indicators of the progress or retrocession in the health of populations. The Life Expectancy Monitor dashboard, empowers users to explore the possible changes in life expectancy due to reductions or increases in certain causes of death for any country/population in the world. This instrument will be beneficial for policy and decision-makers aiming to evaluate the potential impacts of targeted interventions for specific public health goals, e.g. the sustainable development goal health targets, in the longevity of populations.