Publié le 31 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 31 mai 2024

Cette journée d'étude est organisée par la Fondation France Japon de l'EHESS.


le 13 juin 2024

de 9h à 12h
Type(s) d'évènements

This roundtable aims to discuss the special issue of Asia Pacific Business Review coordinated by Yoshifumi NAKATA (Doshisha University) and Hugh WHITTAKER (Oxford University, 2022 FFJ/Banque de France Fellow).

Special Issue Abstract: Is Japan creating a new economic model through digital and green transformation which will overcome its ‘lost decades’ lethargy and demographic challenges? Do Society 5.0, DX, GX, ‘new/sustainable capitalism’, Digital Garden City Nation and other initiatives represent a well-intentioned mish-mash, or something new and potentially coherent which other countries should take notice of? These questions animated a conference held in Oxford in February 2023, and subsequently informed the 11 articles in this special issue by European and Japanese academics and policy makers. The collection identifies tensions and contradictions but also significant changes in corporate governance, innovation, public policy and human resources, which may point to a new direction for Japanese capitalism.